330 research outputs found

    Traffic on complex networks: Towards understanding global statistical properties from microscopic density fluctuations

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    We study the microscopic time fluctuations of traffic load and the global statistical properties of a dense traffic of particles on scale-free cyclic graphs. For a wide range of driving rates R the traffic is stationary and the load time series exhibits antipersistence due to the regulatory role of the superstructure associated with two hub nodes in the network. We discuss how the superstructure affects the functioning of the network at high traffic density and at the jamming threshold. The degree of correlations systematically decreases with increasing traffic density and eventually disappears when approaching a jamming density Rc. Already before jamming we observe qualitative changes in the global network-load distributions and the particle queuing times. These changes are related to the occurrence of temporary crises in which the network-load increases dramatically, and then slowly falls back to a value characterizing free flow

    Convergence Rate of Stochastic Gradient Search in the Case of Multiple and Non-Isolated Minima

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    The convergence rate of stochastic gradient search is analyzed in this paper. Using arguments based on differential geometry and Lojasiewicz inequalities, tight bounds on the convergence rate of general stochastic gradient algorithms are derived. As opposed to the existing results, the results presented in this paper allow the objective function to have multiple, non-isolated minima, impose no restriction on the values of the Hessian (of the objective function) and do not require the algorithm estimates to have a single limit point. Applying these new results, the convergence rate of recursive prediction error identification algorithms is studied. The convergence rate of supervised and temporal-difference learning algorithms is also analyzed using the results derived in the paper

    Disorder-induced critical behavior in driven diffusive systems

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    Using dynamic renormalization group we study the transport in driven diffusive systems in the presence of quenched random drift velocity with long-range correlations along the transport direction. In dimensions d<4d\mathopen< 4 we find fixed points representing novel universality classes of disorder-dominated self-organized criticality, and a continuous phase transition at a critical variance of disorder. Numerical values of the scaling exponents characterizing the distributions of relaxation clusters are in good agreement with the exponents measured in natural river networks

    Finite driving rates in interface models of Barkhausen noise

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    We consider a single-interface model for the description of Barkhausen noise in soft ferromagnetic materials. Previously, the model had been used only in the adiabatic regime of infinitely slow field ramping. We introduce finite driving rates and analyze the scaling of event sizes and durations for different regimes of the driving rate. Coexistence of intermittency, with non-trivial scaling laws, and finite-velocity interface motion is observed for high enough driving rates. Power spectra show a decay ωt\sim \omega^{-t}, with t<2t<2 for finite driving rates, revealing the influence of the internal structure of avalanches.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, RevTeX, final version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Scaling of avalanche queues in directed dissipative sandpiles

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    We simulate queues of activity in a directed sandpile automaton in 1+1 dimensions by adding grains at the top row with driving rate 0<r10 < r \leq 1. The duration of elementary avalanches is exactly described by the distribution P1(t)t3/2exp(1/Lc)P_1(t) \sim t^{-3/2}\exp{(-1/L_c)}, limited either by the system size or by dissipation at defects Lc=min(L,ξ)L_c= \min (L,\xi). Recognizing the probability P1P_1 as a distribution of service time of jobs arriving at a server with frequency rr, the model represents a new example of the server queue in the queue theory. We study numerically and analytically the tail behavior of the distributions of busy periods and energy dissipated in the queue and the probability of an infinite queue as a function of driving rate.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures; To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Collective Charge Fluctuations in Single-Electron Processes on Nano-Networks

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    Using numerical modeling we study emergence of structure and structure-related nonlinear conduction properties in the self-assembled nanoparticle films. Particularly, we show how different nanoparticle networks emerge within assembly processes with molecular bio-recognition binding. We then simulate the charge transport under voltage bias via single-electron tunnelings through the junctions between nanoparticles on such type of networks. We show how the regular nanoparticle array and topologically inhomogeneous nanonetworks affect the charge transport. We find long-range correlations in the time series of charge fluctuation at individual nanoparticles and of flow along the junctions within the network. These correlations explain the occurrence of a large nonlinearity in the simulated and experimentally measured current-voltage characteristics and non-Gaussian fluctuations of the current at the electrode.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    The effect of bandwidth in scale-free network traffic

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    We model information traffic on scale-free networks by introducing the bandwidth as the delivering ability of links. We focus on the effects of bandwidth on the packet delivering ability of the traffic system to better understand traffic dynamic in real network systems. Such ability can be measured by a phase transition from free flow to congestion. Two cases of node capacity C are considered, i.e., C=constant and C is proportional to the node's degree. We figured out the decrease of the handling ability of the system together with the movement of the optimal local routing coefficient αc\alpha_c, induced by the restriction of bandwidth. Interestingly, for low bandwidth, the same optimal value of αc\alpha_c emerges for both cases of node capacity. We investigate the number of packets of each node in the free flow state and provide analytical explanations for the optimal value of αc\alpha_c. Average packets traveling time is also studied. Our study may be useful for evaluating the overall efficiency of networked traffic systems, and for allevating traffic jam in such systems.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Spectral and Dynamical Properties in Classes of Sparse Networks with Mesoscopic Inhomogeneities

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    We study structure, eigenvalue spectra and diffusion dynamics in a wide class of networks with subgraphs (modules) at mesoscopic scale. The networks are grown within the model with three parameters controlling the number of modules, their internal structure as scale-free and correlated subgraphs, and the topology of connecting network. Within the exhaustive spectral analysis for both the adjacency matrix and the normalized Laplacian matrix we identify the spectral properties which characterize the mesoscopic structure of sparse cyclic graphs and trees. The minimally connected nodes, clustering, and the average connectivity affect the central part of the spectrum. The number of distinct modules leads to an extra peak at the lower part of the Laplacian spectrum in cyclic graphs. Such a peak does not occur in the case of topologically distinct tree-subgraphs connected on a tree. Whereas the associated eigenvectors remain localized on the subgraphs both in trees and cyclic graphs. We also find a characteristic pattern of periodic localization along the chains on the tree for the eigenvector components associated with the largest eigenvalue equal 2 of the Laplacian. We corroborate the results with simulations of the random walk on several types of networks. Our results for the distribution of return-time of the walk to the origin (autocorrelator) agree well with recent analytical solution for trees, and it appear to be independent on their mesoscopic and global structure. For the cyclic graphs we find new results with twice larger stretching exponent of the tail of the distribution, which is virtually independent on the size of cycles. The modularity and clustering contribute to a power-law decay at short return times